Sarah Stankus

Earth and Environmental Science and English
I’m Sarah Stankus, and I’m from a small town in Northern New Jersey called River Vale. As a young child I found myself involved in many activities, ranging from sports to music and art, and although in middle and high school the pool of activities I was involved in narrowed down, they still remained quite varied, even into college. I still have a wide variety of interests and involvement on Lehigh’s campus, ranging from being a member of the Marching 97 to the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. I’ve found that rather than having one specific passion, like many of the people I’ve met in my time at Lehigh, I find joy and fulfillment from a number of subjects and activities around campus.
College has taught me a lot about balancing my passions that sometimes seem to contradict each other, and it’s also taught me that I don’t have to pick just one, like I believed growing up. The Eckardt Scholar program has been extremely helpful in this, as it gave me the room I needed to pursue both a Bachelor of Science in Earth and Environmental Science alongside a Bachelor of Arts in English. Studying these two very different subjects and excelling in both has allowed me to hone both my passion for science and passion for writing, and although I honestly do not know what my future holds beyond college, I hope that I will be able to synthesize my two majors just as the Eckardt Scholar program intended. More importantly, this program has helped me to grow close to a number of students who also share similar work ethics and varied interests. Getting to know them has been a pleasure, and I could not have asked for more from my time at Lehigh!
Thesis Subject
Identifying Sources of Lead in the Lehigh River